STATE OF OKLAHOMA OKLAHOMA LOTTERY COMMISSION OFFICIAL MINUTES September 20, 2016 Date The Oklahoma Lottery Commission, established pursuant to the provisions of the Oklahoma Education Lottery Act, Sections 701 et seq. of Title 3A of the Oklahoma Statutes, held its regularly scheduled meeting September 20, 2016 at 1:30 p.m. The Meeting was held in the Conference Room of the offices of the Oklahoma Lottery Commission at 3817 North Santa Fe Avenue, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. In compliance with the Open Meetings Act, 25 O.S. ¤ 301 et seq., the agenda for this meeting was posted at the main and side building entrances, in addition to the main internal office window of the Centennial Business Building at 3817 North Santa Fe Avenue, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on September 19, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. and was sent electronically to the offices of the Board members on September 16, 2016 and was posted to the website on September 21, 2016. The agenda is attached as Exhibit A. AGENDA ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson David Ostrowe called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. The roll of Board members was called to establish quorum. Board members present were: David Ostrowe; Nevyle Cable; James Orbison; George R. Charlton, Jr.; *Jack Sherry. *Mr. Sherry joined the meeting after discussion on agenda item 3 was completed. Board members absent were: R. Deane Wymer; Matthew Felty; Based on the result of the roll call, a quorum was declared present by the Chair. Others in attendance were: Rollo Redburn, Executive Director; Lyn Martin-Diehl, Assistant Attorney General; and Nikki Gabbert, Board Assistant. Others present were: Jay Finks; Mary Martha Ford; Greg Fields; Audra Eccles; Scott Moulton; Brandie Reisman; Cynthia Santos; Jamie Evans; and Bryan Colbert. AGENDA ITEM 2: ANNOUNCEMENT OF FILING OF REGULAR MEETING NOTICE AND POSTING OF THE AGENDA IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE OPEN MEETINGS ACT. The Chair called upon Ms. Gabbert to verify that proper public notice was made with regard to the September 20, 2016 regular meeting, in accordance with the Open Meetings Act. Ms. Gabbert verified that all necessary steps had been taken to remain in compliance with the Act. AGENDA ITEM 3: READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES. (Exhibit B) Mr. Charlton moved that the reading of the minutes of the August 16, 2016 Special meeting be waived and approved as published and distributed. The motion was seconded by Mr. Orbison. The Chair ordered a roll call with the following results: ROLL CALL VOTE: Mr. Ostrowe Yes Mr. Orbison Yes Mr. Cable Yes Mr. Charlton Yes THE RESULT WAS FOUR VOTES IN THE AFFIRMATIVE AND NONE OPPOSED. THE MOTION PASSED. Mr. Sherry entered and was declared present. AGENDA ITEM 4: EXECUTIVE DIRECTORÕS REPORT. Mr. Redburn gave an oral presentation regarding Commission activities: * WAVE terminals; * Back-office system; * Triple jackpot signs; * Second chance drawings; * KENO approval from the Office of the Attorney General. AGENDA ITEM 5: REPORT OF AUDIT & FINANCE COMMITTEE. Mr. Cable offered an oral report regarding the Lottery CommissionÕs current financial standing. No action was taken. AGENDA ITEM 6: DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING APPROVAL OF A COMPREHENSIVE SOCIAL-MARKETING AND LOBBYING SERVICES CONTRACT TO BE UTILIZED BY THE LOTTERY COMMISSION. Mr. Cable moved that the contract with Saxum be approved as presented within the previously approved budgeted amount and subject to OMES approval. The motion was seconded by Mr. Orbison. The Chair ordered a roll call with the following results: ROLL CALL VOTE: Mr. Ostrowe Yes Mr. Orbison Yes Mr. Cable Yes Mr. Sherry Yes Mr. Charlton Yes THE RESULT WAS FIVE VOTES IN THE AFFIRMATIVE AND NONE OPPOSED. THE MOTION PASSED. AGENDA ITEM 7: SALES / REVENUE UPDATE. Mr. Redburn gave an oral presentation regarding lottery sales. No action was taken. AGENDA ITEM 8: DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING LOTTERY COMMISSION FY'2017 AND FY'2018 BUDGETS. Mr. Orbison moved that the estimated budget be approved as presented. The motion was seconded by Mr. Charlton. The Chair ordered a roll call with the following results: ROLL CALL VOTE: Mr. Ostrowe Yes Mr. Orbison Yes Mr. Cable Yes Mr. Sherry Yes Mr. Charlton Yes THE RESULT WAS FIVE VOTES IN THE AFFIRMATIVE AND NONE OPPOSED. THE MOTION PASSED. AGENDA ITEM 9: NEW BUSINESS. No new business. AGENDA ITEM 10: ADJOURNMENT. The Board adjourned by general consent. OFFICIAL MINUTES: The action taken by the Oklahoma Lottery Commission on the items for consideration after motion duly made and seconded has been noted herein and made a part of these minutes. The Board caused the entire proceeding of the meeting, excepting any executive sessions, to be recorded on a digital audio recording device to be retained as a record in the office of the Board. Exhibits are A through B. Minutes approved by Board of Trustees on December 6, 2016. Lottery Commission Minutes September 20, 2016