OKLAHOMA LOTTERY COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting May 10, 2005 1:30 pm Members present: Ms. Cindy Ball Mr. George R. Charlton, Jr. Dr. Linda Dzialo Mr. Ron Norick Mr. James Orbison Mr. William Paul Mr. Thomas Riley, Jr. Others attending: Becky Wilson, Office of State Finance, Recording Secretary Rollo Redburn, Office of State Finance Ramon Rivera, GTECH Tony Thornton, The Oklahoman Bobby Stem, GTECH Greg Shields, OSBI Kenneth King, State Treasurer’s Office Gay Tudor, Office of the Attorney General Alan Middle, SGI Alicia Barnett, GIT Steve Gooch, The Oklahoman Barbara Hoberock, Tulsa World Luke Engan, CNHI Jim Campbell, OPA Capitol News Bureau Lorrie Corbin, The Kirschner Law Firm Nancy Potter, OSU-SGA Charlie Scannella, SGI Andy Morgan, Fleishman-Hillard Dave Hofstadter, Battelle Pat Hall, Scientific Games The Oklahoma Lottery Commission met on May 10, 2005, at approximately 1:30 pm, in the Governor’s Blue Room at the State Capitol. The meeting was held in accordance with the Open Meeting Act. ITEM 1 Announcement of filing of special meeting notice and positing of the agenda in accordance with the Open Meeting Act The Chairman asked Becky Wilson to confirm that the agenda was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Act. Ms. Wilson did confirm the agenda was posted within 24 hours notice. ITEM 2 Call to Order The Chairman asked Becky Wilson to call the roll. Ms. Wilson called roll and the Chairman declared a quorum. ITEM 3 Approval of Minutes of the April 12, 2005 Special Meeting The Chairman asked if there were any comments on the Minutes and there being none, the Chairman asked if there was a motion to approve the minutes. Mr. Charlton so moved and Mr. Riley seconded. Ms. Wilson then called roll and all were in favor except Mr. Norick and Mr. Paul who declined as they were not present at the last meeting. The motion passed. ITEM 4 Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the Holding of an Executive Session, Pursuant to Title 25 O.S. §307 B.1, for the Purpose of Discussing the Employment of an Executive Director of the Commission The Chairman asked if there was a motion to hold an Executive Session Meeting to discuss the employment of an Executive Director of the Commission. Mr. Norick so moved and Dr. Dzialo seconded. Ms. Wilson then called roll and all were in favor so the motion passed. All members of the public were then asked to leave and an Executive Session was held. ITEM 5 Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the Executive Session The Executive Session was concluded and members of the public were allowed back in the room. The Chairman asked Mr. Norick, Chairman of the Selection Committee, to give a report. Mr. Norick gave a report stating that the Selection Committee determined that they were interested in one particular applicant after reviewing 15 applications and interviewing 3 applicants and that the Selection Committee would like to offer this individual a contract to work as the Director of the Oklahoma Lottery. The Selection Committee worked on employment terms and came up with an agreement that had been modified during the Executive Session. Mr. Norick then introduced Mr. James Scroggins, current director of the Missouri Lottery. Mr. Norick then made a motion, referring to the copied document of the contract that each Board Member had, that the Contract be approved and that authorization be made for the Chairman and the new Director to sign the contract and Mr. Scroggins become the new Director of the Lottery Commission. Mr. Charlton seconded. Ms. Wilson then called roll and all were in favor so the motion was unanimously passed. The Chairman welcomed Mr. Scroggins to the Lottery Commission. His first day of employment will be June 6, 2005. Mr. Chairman asked if there were any other comments. Ms. Ball stated that the Committee had done its work and as a Board they feel Mr. Scroggins can get the job completed. Mr. Paul agreed and believes the Commission is off to a good start. Mr. Scroggins then noted that he is pleased to become the Director of the Lottery Commission. He appreciates the commitment and support he is receiving from the Governor as well as the 7 board members of the Lottery Commission and is looking forward to working with the people of Oklahoma. ITEM 6 Interim Committee of Operations and Structure Report – William Paul ITEM 7 Outside Counsel Selection Committee Report – William Paul ITEM 8 Start-Up Financing Committee Report – Thomas Riley, Jr. ITEM 9 Comments by Rollo Redburn, Deputy Director of the Office of State Finance Mr. Paul asked that Items 6-9 be deferred to the next meeting and that there be a meeting in the near future. Mr. Riley motioned that Items 6-9 be deferred to the next meeting to be held on May 16th at 1:00. Dr. Dzialo seconded. Ms. Wilson then called roll and all were in favor so the motion passed. ITEM 10 Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Budget and Expenditures Mr. Chairman asked Mr. Paul to update the Board on the budget and expenditures. Mr. Paul informed the Board that the Interim Committee for Operations and Structure has been working on finding rental space and is very close to making some important decisions. Mr. Paul requested that the Chairman defer this item to the next meeting, scheduled for May 16th at 1:00. Mr. Paul also requested the help of Rollo Redburn and Gay Tudor in acquiring assistance from the Department of Central Services. Mr. Charlton asked that information regarding this item agenda be sent to the Board members prior to the meeting. ITEM 11 Next Scheduled Special Meeting: June 14, 2005 Discussion was had regarding the next meeting date to be June 14, 2005. Mr. Paul motioned that the June 14th meeting date be retained. Mr. Norick seconded. Ms. Wilson then called roll and all were in favor so the motion passed. Mr. Riley noted that the report from the Interim Committee will be discussed at the May 16th meeting and the RFP Process will need to begin shortly after that. Mr. Riley motioned that another special meeting be held on May 26th at 1:30. Mr. Norick seconded. Ms. Wilson then called roll and all were in favor so the motion passed. ITEM 12 Adjournment There being no further business, the Chairman asked if there was a motion to adjourn. Dr. Dzialo moved for adjournment and Mr. Riley seconded. Roll was called and all were in favor so meeting was adjourned. Submitted by: ______________________ Linda Dzialo, Secretary Approved by: _______________________ _______________________ Jim Orbison, Chairman Linda Dzialo, Secretary